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Project description
Parents of all cultures wish for their children to grow up safely and healthy, and to be successful in school.
3,7 million children are born in Europe every year, growing up into a world brimming with different media that will influence their development. From our view, this is the greatest challenge in the history of education, combined with the permanent task of preventive engagement.
The European parliament appealed 2012 for a systematic training for parents and for an exploitation of all possibilities to protect children in the digital world. That is why parents are the direct target group of @home.
The need for trainings for parents in Europe regarding their own media literacy, but especially the media education they give to their children, is increasing transnationally. Not only do children and young people feel at home in digital worlds and find an ever-increasing complexity of online-worlds and possibilities, but also does this consumption stay out of the parent`s reach and control. Furthermore, many parents lack the necessary knowledge about media and media literacy. Children recognize quickly that they outmatch their parents in this area. This can lead to conflicts within the family, if parents feel helpless and resign because they fail in setting boundaries for their children. These permanent areas of conflict will influence the family life. Consequently, there is a growing need for trainings for parents, but the type of support they require seems to change. People do not attend evening info sessions anymore, but use online lectures. Why? Because they don’t have to leave home and get in the car, and they don’t have to find and pay a babysitter.

Parents can attend online lectures very easily and stay anonymous, which might be helpful with sensitive topics. Another advantage of digital teaching material is its responsiveness to different requirements, experiences and interests of the learners. With digital media, learning can be organized more active and individual.
Parent education in Europe should be more and more free, not bound to fixed contexts, and, with new media, independent of time and place.
Implementing the project “YouMMe – you, the media and me”, we are facing this task in a consortium consisting of AT, BG, GR, SI and DE, including politicians, local authorities and parents themselves, working on two levels:
On the one hand, imparting technical knowledge and skills, on the other hand developing a critical and reflecting use of digital media. To combine both, and make it a part of media education in the family, is the goal “@home” wants to reach.
We are expecting the following outcomes:
- A web-based App “Education@home”, consisting of multilingual counselling for parents in 5 languages including English, with the following features:
Educational films to support the parent´s own critically reflected use of media
Teaching aids imparting basic competences
A virtual meeting of experts
- An integrated storage for questions
- Five round tables with stakeholders and closing symposium in Graz.
The state of research, approaches and experiences are different within Europe. That is why we need transnational learning through professional exchange when looking for approaches to complete this task. Implementing “youmme”, we are actively participating in structuring the European topic of “media literacy education”.
The shared vision of fostering media literacy in parents will soften up traditional, culturally shaped concepts of education and make room for a new kind of intelligent and holistic learning experiences. Since media literacy is a very fast growing but relatively new phenomenon in Europe, there is a clear need for concepts of prevention. A political advisory board will be a door opener and provide successful dissemination of all outcomes of the project. This way we make sure that this educational topic will have lasting effects on families all over Europe.
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YouMMe iOS instructions
- Open YouMMe from your iPhone
- Touch share icon at the bottom bar –
- Select “Add to Home Screen” option