YouMMe Movie: Phishing


Background information

Cybercrime includes crimes that are directed against the Internet, data networks, information technology systems or their data (cybercrime in the narrower sense) or that are committed using this information technology.

Manifestations of cybercrime are characterized by the infection and manipulation of computer systems with malware, e.g. B. 

  • tap personal data and access authorizations of the user and misuse them (identity theft))
  • to encrypt the user’s data / files on it using so-called ransomware in order to extort “ransom”,
  • to be able to “control them remotely”, interconnect them in so-called botnets and use them for further criminal acts.

Examples of this type of cybercrime are:

  • Phishing / identity theft, use of malware,
  • Data theft through social engineering,
  • Digital extortion,
  • Digital fraud (“Nigeria Connection”),
  • Infection of computers with malware,
  • Remote control of computers (botnets),
  • Sexting, grooming, cyberbullying, which itself includes several criminal offenses such as insult, threat, coercion, etc.

Another form of cybercrime is an important task for parents in their daily upbringing:

The dissemination of anti-constitutional symbols, pornographic fonts or pictures to children and adolescents as well as the dissemination of child pornography.

With regard to the above-mentioned points, distribution as well as possession is punishable. In particular, the use of the stickers, which has been on WhatsApp since 2018, seems to exacerbate the worrying phenomenon. Racial, violent, racist, anti-Semitic, sexualized, misanthropic and discriminatory content is shared and forwarded. This often happens unreflected and without appropriate (historical) background knowledge. The indirectly affected are regularly so horrified that they prefer to close their eyes ignoringly or do not have the courage to turn to adults for help. Here children and adolescents urgently need parental support.

Source and further information: 

Practical tips for prevention

  • Take a regular look together and take privacy into account – for example – the class chat on WhatsApp and Instagram.
  • Discuss the chat content and raise your child’s awareness of cross-border statements or stickers / pictures.
  • Signal willingness to talk and offer support to your child.
  • Find and use the protection and functions of reporting of the app used together.
  • Address the rights of others and how to deal with self-expression online.
  • Download software programs only from original sources, buy apps only from the official stores.
  • Do not open mails from unknown senders or their attachments.
  • Be careful about your data, especially on social networks.
  • Update the operating system of your computer as well as all software of your devices to the latest status. This applies especially to firewalls and ad blockers
  • The following applies to spam e-mails: Simply delete!

The following applies to sexually connoted internet crimes, especially against children / adolescents: Report immediately, make public and defend yourself against it!
If you or your children have been victims of cybercrime, the following applies in all circumstances:
Make sure to report this – the nearest police station is responsible for this!

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